Buffalo Harmony House
Buffalo Harmony House: An Allentown Gem
The Buffalo Harmony House is on the corner of Wadsworth Street and St. Johns Place in Allentown’s National Registered Historic District. Current owners and proprietors, Holly Holdaway and Daniel Culross, have meticulously restored this Queen Anne style Victorian brick house, originally built in 1885, back to perfection. You realize the amount of thought, effort, and money that was put into this beautiful piece of history the minute that you walk in the door.
The exterior features a lush garden that is literally overflowing with flowers, beautiful hardwood entry doors, and incredible period detailing along the roof line and windows. The brick work is flawless as well. For anyone that lives in or frequents the Allentown area, you likely already know and love this house. It has SERIOUS curb appeal.
A Fully Restored Interior
The entire home has been restored to its original beauty and elegance. The restoration effort is on full display in this extravagant living room.
Buffalo Harmony House: A Brief History
The Harmony House was constructed in 1885 by prominent local architect Henry H. Little. Little designed many other Buffalo homes in the Allentown area and beyond. His best known work is probably the Red Jacket Building on the corner of Allen Street and Main Street.
The builder of the Harmony House, Jared H. Tilden, was also a very prominent figure at the time. He built many buildings of note like the Delaware Avenue Baptist Church and the Star Theatre Building which has unfortunately since been demolished. His most impressive build is actually located directly next door to the Harmony House, the First Presbyterian Church of Buffalo.
It was originally constructed as a home and a place of business for a local doctor, Dr. Hubbard A. Foster, and his family. When the Great Depression hit the house fell into rough shape and became a boarding/rooming establishment for a number of years. When Allentown became a Nationally Registered Historic District, the Harmony House became an important piece of history and heritage as well. The house sat empty for many years until Holly and Dan arrived to save the structure.
If you haven’t taken a walk down Wadsworth to marvel at this piece of history, you absolutely should. We as a City are lucky to have this beautiful structure not only still standing, but completely restored as well. It was not an easy task by any means, and both Holly and Daniel deserve serious credit for their years of hard work.
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